Sunday, April 21, 2013

To Be Or Not To Be In A Relationship...That's The Question

Why does almost everyone I know seem to think that I need to be in a relationship? I consider myself pretty nice looking, so I don't need someone to tell me that I am. Now, I'm not saying that's all there is to a relationship, but I just don't see the need to be in one. I finished University just a year ago and I have plans for myself to move out of state and I don't want or need a relationship to complicate things.

I do have or maybe now, had, a few prospects for becoming my beau. There's Lenny who I went to school with, but we sort of lost contact with one another. I find him very attractive and funny, the only thing is a he just got out of a long term relationship (I think it was his first love and all..) so I don't want to be the rebound girl that it doesn't work with because before he finally called it quits; he and his ex were the on, off, and back on type. I know he likes me because he flat out told me that he's into me. We only text and while I don't like talking on the phone I would like to at least be called once or twice.

I first met Chris....wait for it.....on Facebook. Now, while he was a complete stranger to me I had good friends who both went to school and were friends with him. He asked to take me out on a relaxed date. Chris and I had this nice time at the beach, we have a lot in common, but it took me forever to get it out of him, on FB he was way more talkative and I understand being able to say more in email, then when you are speaking the words in person. Now I have this nice approach to use when talking to someone you are interested in. Instead of facing each other you sit or stand side by side and it helps them relax as well as yourself. This helped a little with Chris, but not as well as I hoped. (I didn't say the approach was flawless..) He wanted to take our friendship further and become a couple. However, I wanted to be his friend more...we're good friends now (going on 5 years) and he's still quiet.

There's Juan who works in my old company. I don't know what really attracts me to him, I think it might be his sweet ways. He's the kind of guy who would send wake up texts and how was your day type of text. He also has a lot going for himself, he a nice job, he's still in University, has a place of his own and a nice looking car. I don't know if some people feel that having a car is a priority, but I am not the type of gal to be the driver all the time type, if you're gonna take me out you should pay and drive.
 If he invited you out, he's got to pay. -Beyonce Knowles
Now, don't go saying here's another gold digger, because I have my own. I have no problem paying for my own as well as treating, but what girl doesn't want and deserve to be treated. I know I do and I feel, if you can't give that to me don't waste my time. There are more guys in my life and it just seems like they don't want to move slow and they just want to jump into something, I could possibly foresee myself getting married and maybe having a baby girl, but right now, what's the rush?

When I see couples walking down the street I wonder what makes me not want that feeling too. It does sometimes bother me that I'm not attracted to men. I'm not attracted to women either! I do like men and the idea of what can be done with them, but it just doesn't work/click in my brain. I guess some would say I have issues, that may very well be true.

I just know at this age and time in my life I am not going to be the girl you see at the movies, skating rink, or anywhere; with a guy that is, I'll just be traveling solo.

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